




Weapon VFX demo video: with  muzzle flashes, lights, projectiles, impacts, etc.  Liberties taken with the movie source reference on occasion to ensure that each weapon has a unique feel.


Weapon VFX demo (Screencaptures) with  muzzle flashes, lights, projectiles, impacts, etc.  Liberties taken with the movie source reference on occasion to ensure that each weapon has a unique feel.

Environmental VFX for levels (video samples).  Animation and colour,  lots of it.  Especially when the level is specifically designed to be light in content and props to avoid visual clutter in an action-packed sequence where the scenery races by at a fair pace.

Environmental VFX for levels(screen capture samples).

Loads more samples coming soon.

Collection of multiple VFX in Unity for a recent unpublished project.  Please hit 'play' if this doesn't auto-start; browsers seem to vary!

Close-up of particle systems within Unity scene setup.  Please hit 'play' if this doesn't auto-start; browsers seem to vary!

Football game particle system tests.  Please hit 'play' if this doesn't auto-start; browsers seem to vary!

Source graphics for Unity-developed particle systems, for recent unpublished title.

Spritesheets for football VFX:  modelled and rendered in Max, then the frames exported to create the spritesheet.

Unity setup example.

Particles for CaliCowChat; not every day you get to create a milk-squirt PFX.  One day per lifetime, possibly.

That cow.  It jumps over the moon.

Milky sparkles, lots of them.

Some fun particle system graphics created for a My Little Pony game; not often you get a chance to develop a sonic rainbow swoosh that appears out of the rear end of a flying horse.  Particles implemented using in-house particle editor.  Hunting for the video, can't find it anywhere.

Collection of multiple VFX in Unity for a recent unpublished project.  Please hit 'play' if this doesn't auto-start; browsers seem to vary!

Particles for Turbo Boots; implemented in Unity, but can i find the screen-movie-captures of them in action?? I'll keep looking.

Particles created and rendered in 3DS Max for explainer videos.  terrible low-rez image, where's the original??  Searching.

Screenshot samples of Unity particles.

MLB Slam!  Baseball game (unpublished).

(c) 2023 dunebuggraphics.co.uk.  All images, trademarks and logos, etc. are copyright of their respective owners.